
Homeschooling After the Honeymoon

Unfortunately, the honeymoon is over. For the first few weeks Aidan was so willing, so obedient. I was a well of patience and good will. Those were good days. There came to an abrupt end last week. The show goes on, however, with Aidan yelling and banging on the other side of the locked door or not.

Last week Jayson made some excellent play dough bug
s and I wanted to preserve them so I put them in the oven. They became sort of melty so I took them out. They're still melty almost a week later. I guess one should not attempt to cook play dough.

Another failed attempt at impressing my boys with a bottle rocket.

Milk planets are very impressive, though!

First of many road races for Jayson and Aidan. The video is soo funny! Just before the director said "go!" I yelled to Jays "stay with Aidan and help him!" As you can see from the video Jayson did his best for about 4 seconds. Then he seems to have lost his wits with all of the excitement and left us all in the dust. Jay and I had decided that I would keep my eye on Aidan, he being the slower runner and I was carrying Charlie (he got many cheers for being in the race in a backpack) but Jay had the camera and was so involved in filming Aidan that Jayson got away from both of us...all of us, actually. He ran right past the turn off at the end of the r
ace until he got to a lone stream of bright yellow balloons which he assumed must be the finish. He told us later that he was so excited and thought to himself "I won. I won the race!" and he raised his hands above his heads and started jumping up and down (according to his demonstration later). Then he realized that no one else was around and by this time Jay and I were panicking and Aidan was crying because we were at the end of the race. Somebody spotted him though, and due to his slightly unusual choice of running hat, we were able to pick him out in the crowd. After the race we went to Silver Diner to hail our conquering young heroes. With milkshakes.

For the week in school we learned about Europe...especially the food. Crepes with Nutella, Belgian Waffles with strawberry preserves, Swedish rye bread, pasta, Italian style pizza. Yum.

We've got caterpillars! They came in the mail. I had no idea they were so gross. The whole process...they grow everyday and make webs all over. Then one day after about a week of eating they hang upside down and their heads fall off and their skin pops open to reveal a chrysalis sort of gleaming underneath. There they sit for now. It's all so "Aliens".
Garbage day!

Aidan came down with a little virus for a day or so, so while he snuggled with Tiger and watched Team Umizoomi Jayson and I carried on. Charlie was there...either eating or sleeping or ogling one of his brothers.
Dino week: Dinosaur identification books and a Dino Diorama

Science project: cornstarch SLIME. Very slimy. A non-Newtonian liquid. Jayson's hands were blue for 48 hours. He was disappointed when the food coloring faded.

On Thursday morning Jayson woke up early with me to make sticky buns! I ate far too many and felt extremely sick but managed to save a few for others..like Auntie Crystal. She came to babysit for us while we went to Cirque du Soleil at National Harbor.

We couldn't take pictures inside the tent so this is as much as you get to see...

On Friday the kids and I took a trip to the E.R after I unsuccessfully attempted to cut my finger tip off to serve along with the apple slices I brought along for the kids. 5 very Frankenstein looking stitches. Just in time for October.

This week we went to the cupcake store before Jayson's soccer practice. Yum.

We got to the soccer field early, just in time for Aidan to become covered in mud. Then they announced that practice was being moved inside so I rummaged through the lost and found so Aidan didn't drop mud clods all over the shiny racquetball courts.

I found Charlie panicking a bit after his nap today when he got one arm out of his shirt.

This week: pumpkins! Pumpkin pudding, roasted pumpkin seeds (that we counted and graphed) and pumpkin cookies that my friend Stacy dropped off for us! How did she know? We also planted pumpkin seeds (more for the fun of it than anything else). Notice how Aidan seems to spend a lot more time eating than helping. We also studied leaves, Australia, and fire safety.

There they are. Creepy.

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Shred Violinist on NY subway

Prep for Cross Country

Captain Jayson's Rocket Launch

Dutch Wonderful Rollercoaster!

The perfect vent for Aidan...

Rocket Experiment :(

I can't wait for Aidan to learn the Haka in New Zealand. Hopefully it will prove to be an effective way for him to release aggression, and he can stop throwing balls at my head.

feel like dancing?

Charlie's laugh

Jayson at Swim Camp

Swimming at the Beach

Swimming at the Beach

Charlie is multi-faceted.

Charlie, do you have something in your nose???

Happy Birthday Astronaut Jayson!

Da Bonk.

Happy Birthday Aidan!

Interview with a four year old...


Watch this!

Our First Road Trip as a Family of Five!

Easter Message

Happy Birthday Aidan!

Aidan Learns to Walk

Jayson's usual eating antics

Aidan's Tickle Torture

Aidan Picks Up

Boo! It's Halloween!

Jayson's First Day of Pre-School!

Jayson the Pirate

Aidy the Inchworm

Jayson singing "The World is So Big"

In case you have trouble understanding...

The world is so big and oh, so round
And even God's creations are almost so found.
Brothers and sisters and trees so tall,
animals big and animals small.
The world is so big and oh, so round
And even God's creations are almost so found...
etc, etc.

The correct words are:
The world is so big and oh, so round
And in it God's creations are found.
Mountains and valleys and trees so tall,
Animals big and animals small.
The world is so big and oh, so round
God loves us all, His blessings abound

Pictures of Our New Apartment!

Jayson's Top10

  • The Beach (any pile of sand qualifies)
  • Daddy ("Daddy's just my favorite")
  • Singing (even during sacrament meeting we cannot squelch his humming!)
  • Dumbo, his everpresent Elephant
  • Robinhood (as in the Prince of Thieves. "Mommy, my name is Robinhoodin, not Jayson.")
  • Swinging, sliding, climbing, jumping at the park
  • Marshmallows
  • All guys, boys, men, grandpas, uncles, etc.
  • Doritos (spicy red chips)
  • the color yellow

Aidan's Top 10

  • Mommy
  • Babbling
  • Drooling
  • Wiggling
  • Watching the dog
  • Watching his brother
  • Sucking on anything that comes within close proximity to his mouth
  • Sucking on his two middle fingers
  • Breastfeeding
  • Eating

A Photographer in the Making

Jayson loves taking pictures! He took most of these while we were on vacation in Washington and a few at home. I love that he takes pictures of himself. He then asks me to show them to him and he giggles a little when he sees what terrific shots he's gotten.


Merry Christmas!



blip, bleep. I. am. a. robot. lover.

Aidan carries his tiger in his mouth so he can have both hands free

Our little beekeeper

Is it a fork or a magic wand?

Big Carseat! Happiness!

At good ol' GW's house (Mt Vernon)


Trying out the new running shoes.

Murphy tickles Aidan with his whiskers

Jayson being tortured by his swim teacher

Scary! Look at my sun damage since we got here!

Help Me!

Our Little Smarty

Monkey on a tightrope

Jayson's best pirate face(yes, he always closes his eyes.)

"How does that music fit in that tiny box?"

Bryant, Angela, Zoey, Mia, and Brodi on the 4th of July

Making a fast getaway

Jayson's "trampoline"

Mom and Jays

Aidan kept trying to eat his mask!He'll eat anything!

First 4th of July!

Checking out the competition

My guys on the Metro

"Oh Daddy, I love food!"

Jayson's just cute!

We know where we'll be this summer!

Aidan after a hard day at the pool

Aidan bumped his lip...he first "owie"

Jayson and his bud, Lex have matching bikes!

the bike: "Rock it" Awesome!

My Man...He be Lookin' Fine!

Jayson loves Aidan



