Thank you EVERYONE for your comments! We love hearing from all of you! We're praying for Kahli to have that baby soon!
So we got to go shopping for Jay because he NEEDS to look good for work now and it was so much fun! I found every pair of pants in his size (which I will not, due to spousal loyalty, divulge) and I think he tried on half of them. It was almost as bad as getting him to go to the dentist. We were at Burlington Coat Factory, which has excellent deals, so we walked away with lots of good stuff. He looked so good in everything! It was hard to narrow it all down. I felt a bit like a proud mother on her child's first day of school, sending him off in those spiffy clothes this morning, especially since he walked to work. He's attending a conference for Consultants (he, by the way, is the only non grey-haired person among them). Although I'm sure that when I send Jayson off to school I won't send him. I'll go to class with him where we'll say hi to the teacher who I'm sure we'll already know, and I'll probably only leave when I absolutely have to. I will blubber all the way home, no doubt, and continue to sob intermittently throughout the day.
Speaking of Jayson, it's sad that he was so physically ill for the past week, but I wasn't expecting it to affect his disposition so much! He's been a pill, to put it bluntly. Last night while Jay and I took Aidan shopping, Jayson stayed home with Natalie and threw balls at her and body slammed her and had a major tantrum episode when she tried to put him to bed. Naughty! Of course, she said it was fun, but if he was anything like he's been to me lately, fun isn't how I would have described it. Today he was in the naughty chair at least 6 times and all before his nap. I handled it all very coolly, once telling him that his straw was stupid, and another time telling him that his whining was going to drive me crazy. I said this in a not so nice way. But after each momentary loss of patience, I was able to remember the scripture in...wherever it is...that says something about showing a greater increase of love after disciplining a child, so I hugged him and told him I loved him, and that I was sorry that he's having a hard day. And I really am. Because as I explained to him, when he has a hard day, it's hard for me too.
On a happier note, bikes were 1/2 off today at Wal Mart so I made an executive decision and bought a cute little Huffy with training wheels for Jayson! It's in the trunk (I don't know how I managed to sneak that into the cart and through the store without his knowledge) and I'm saving it for the right moment. Like when I have the time to go out and watch him. So it might be there for a while. I also bought Jay a nose and ear hair trimmer because well, he needs it. Ha, ha!
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Shred Violinist on NY subway
Prep for Cross Country
Captain Jayson's Rocket Launch
Dutch Wonderful Rollercoaster!
The perfect vent for Aidan...
Rocket Experiment :(
I can't wait for Aidan to learn the Haka in New Zealand. Hopefully it will prove to be an effective way for him to release aggression, and he can stop throwing balls at my head.
feel like dancing?
Charlie's laugh
Jayson at Swim Camp
Swimming at the Beach
Swimming at the Beach
Charlie is multi-faceted.
Charlie, do you have something in your nose???
Happy Birthday Astronaut Jayson!
Da Bonk.
Happy Birthday Aidan!
Interview with a four year old...
Watch this!
Easter Message
Happy Birthday Aidan!
Aidan Learns to Walk
Jayson's usual eating antics
Aidan's Tickle Torture
Aidan Picks Up
Jayson the Pirate
Aidy the Inchworm
Jayson singing "The World is So Big"
In case you have trouble understanding...
The world is so big and oh, so round
And even God's creations are almost so found.
Brothers and sisters and trees so tall,
animals big and animals small.
The world is so big and oh, so round
And even God's creations are almost so found...
etc, etc.
The correct words are:
The world is so big and oh, so round
And in it God's creations are found.
Mountains and valleys and trees so tall,
Animals big and animals small.
The world is so big and oh, so round
God loves us all, His blessings abound
The world is so big and oh, so round
And even God's creations are almost so found.
Brothers and sisters and trees so tall,
animals big and animals small.
The world is so big and oh, so round
And even God's creations are almost so found...
etc, etc.
The correct words are:
The world is so big and oh, so round
And in it God's creations are found.
Mountains and valleys and trees so tall,
Animals big and animals small.
The world is so big and oh, so round
God loves us all, His blessings abound
Jayson's Top10
- The Beach (any pile of sand qualifies)
- Daddy ("Daddy's just my favorite")
- Singing (even during sacrament meeting we cannot squelch his humming!)
- Dumbo, his everpresent Elephant
- Robinhood (as in the Prince of Thieves. "Mommy, my name is Robinhoodin, not Jayson.")
- Swinging, sliding, climbing, jumping at the park
- Marshmallows
- All guys, boys, men, grandpas, uncles, etc.
- Doritos (spicy red chips)
- the color yellow
Aidan's Top 10
- Mommy
- Babbling
- Drooling
- Wiggling
- Watching the dog
- Watching his brother
- Sucking on anything that comes within close proximity to his mouth
- Sucking on his two middle fingers
- Breastfeeding
- Eating
A Photographer in the Making
Jayson loves taking pictures! He took most of these while we were on vacation in Washington and a few at home. I love that he takes pictures of himself. He then asks me to show them to him and he giggles a little when he sees what terrific shots he's gotten.
Merry Christmas!


blip, bleep. I. am. a. robot. lover.
Aidan carries his tiger in his mouth so he can have both hands free
Our little beekeeper
Is it a fork or a magic wand?
Big Carseat! Happiness!
At good ol' GW's house (Mt Vernon)
Trying out the new running shoes.
Murphy tickles Aidan with his whiskers
Jayson being tortured by his swim teacher
Scary! Look at my sun damage since we got here!
Help Me!
Our Little Smarty
Monkey on a tightrope
Jayson's best pirate face(yes, he always closes his eyes.)
"How does that music fit in that tiny box?"
Bryant, Angela, Zoey, Mia, and Brodi on the 4th of July
Making a fast getaway
Jayson's "trampoline"
Mom and Jays

Aidan kept trying to eat his mask!He'll eat anything!

First 4th of July!

Checking out the competition

My guys on the Metro

"Oh Daddy, I love food!"

Jayson's just cute!

We know where we'll be this summer!

Aidan after a hard day at the pool
Aidan bumped his lip...he first "owie"
Jayson and his bud, Lex have matching bikes!
the bike: "Rock it" Awesome!
My Man...He be Lookin' Fine!
Jayson loves Aidan
Jay, Jayson got a bike and you got an ear/nose hair you suddenly feel older or more important?
For everyone out there...I just want to let you know the body slamming was absolutely hilarious. He would get up on the coffee table and then give me the look of "hee hee hee" and jump at full speed at me who was on the couch. Terror crossed my face and my heart would stop a beat. And once we both knew we were concussionless, Jayson would chuckle proudly and proceed to do it again. The funny thing is that I couldn't help to laugh out of being so startled each and every time. And, seriously, each time my heart would stop for a minute while I made sure he landed in a way where neither of us got hurt. SO MUCH FUN! Makes you want to leave him with me again, Steph, doesn't it?! Hee hee. It really was fun...and safe...except for the heart attack I had each time. :)
OH,I forgot...the nose and ear trimmer may make a good toe hair trimmer too! :)
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